Creation of a database on Olympic Studies: Degree programmes, courses, seminars and workshops - your contribution is key !
We are pleased to inform you about the new initiative recently launched to collect, via an online questionnaire, information on all regular programmes, courses, seminars and workshops offering Olympic content at and beyond university level around the world.
The main goals of this database are to give increased visibility to educational initiatives in Olympic studies worldwide, to acknowledge the work of all the universities and academic representatives contributing to sharing Olympic knowledge via educational programmes, and to allow for easier orientation for students searching for the most suitable course.
This initiative is led by Prof. Stephan Wassong (German Sport University Cologne) and Prof. Thierry Zintz (Olympic Chair – Université catholique de Louvain), in close coordination with the IOC Olympic Studies Centre and the IOC Olympic Education Commission.
If you are managing a degree programme, course, seminar or workshop with Olympic content, we kindly ask you to complete the online questionnaire (available in English, French and Spanish).
Please share this news with any colleague who is involved in these kinds of activities for him/her to fill out.
English version at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WJQGWGW
French version at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WWDQDV5
Spanish version at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WT92QXP
The questionnaire requires no longer than 20 minutes of your time and will remain accessible from 15 October to 1 December 2018.
Should you have any questions about the questionnaire, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Thierry Zintz or Stephan Wassong.
We thank you in advance for your valued cooperation!
Call for papers launched by the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research
The 2nd annual conference organised by the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research (CSSOR) will be held on 15 and 16 March 2019 at the California State University, Fullerton (USA).
The deadline for submitting individual papers or completing thematic sessions is 3rd December, 2018. Click here for further details concerning the abstract submissions. If you have any questions, please contact Toby Rider.
Applications open for the Master's in Olympic Studies 2019-2021
The German Sport University Cologne (GSU) has now opened applications for the 2019-2021 intake of the Master of Arts Olympic Studies degree programme.
The M.A. Olympic Studies is a fully accredited Master’s degree structured as a two-year part-time programme and benefiting from the support of the IOC and its Olympic Studies Centre.
The programme has been organised since 2010 by the OSC of the GSU in cooperation with four other international universities. It offers a multi- and interdisciplinary approach to the diverse aspects of the Olympic Movement such as commercialisation, marketing, professionalisation, politicisation, internationalisation, athletes’ representation, administration and peace-building efforts, which are extensively linked to ethical and educational considerations.
The deadline for submitting applications is 28 February 2019 and the course will start in September 2019.
For further information and to apply, please contact the Executive Director of the M.A. Olympic Studies, Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong or visit www.dshs-koeln.de/olympicstudies.