We’re passionate about bringing Olympic knowledge to life and sparking new ideas, which is why every year since 1999 we have funded Olympic-related research with a humanities or social science perspective.
We run two grant programmes – the PhD Students Research Grant and the Advanced Research Grant for established researchers – which create fresh perspectives for Olympic research and help bring academics and the IOC closer together.
Through the PhD Students Research Grant Programme, we support early career researchers and encourage them to include in their PhD thesis analysis on the Olympic phenomena.
The Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme, meanwhile, aims to encourage established researchers to conduct projects in IOC priority fields of research.
PhD Students Research Grant Programme
The OSC Grants Selection Committee recently met in Lausanne to select the recipients of the 2017 PhD Research Grants. Out of 23 applications, eight projects have been chosen to receive funding. If you want to know more about the grant holders and their projects, see here.
The next edition will be launched in April, so if you’re interested in applying be sure to keep an eye out for the details, which will also be published online.
Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme
The deadline for applications for the 2017/2018 edition was 3 February 2017. This year, 18 priority research topics were offered, covering key areas of the IOC’s activities. If you missed the deadline, make a note that we will launch the next edition in October 2017!
The final research reports of the 2015/2016 grant holders are now available online. Congratulations to each of them for their excellent work! You can find them all in the Olympic World Library – simply scroll down to the section on “Research Grant Programmes”, where you can also check out the reports of former grant holders for both the PhD and Advanced Research Grant Programmes.
Also worth noting is that we're launching a new series of publications featuring the reports of the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme. The first two issues will be published soon in both hard and electronic formats and will cover the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 editions. Write to us at studies.centre@olympic.org if you’d like to receive them.